If you’re looking to improve the mental health and wellbeing of your organisation, the Five Ways to Wellbeing can be promoted within the workplace, through positive and aspirational messages and actions. Living the five actions shows that your workplace recognises the importance of good worker mental health.


Creating connections with others is a fundamental human need. This includes relationships with family, friends, work colleagues, neighbours and acquaintances in all areas of life.

Taking the time to both broaden and strengthen relationships is the key to harnessing this aspect of wellbeing every day.

Be active

Physical activity is vital for positive wellbeing, whether it’s walking, running, cycling, playing sports, gardening, dancing or another activity that gets you moving.

Importantly, finding the things you enjoy – and doing those activities regularly – is the best thing for your wellbeing.

Be aware

Mindfulness is about being in the moment, noticing things around you, being aware of your emotions, and reflecting on your experiences. This leads to the ability to savour the things you enjoy and be aware of your priorities, and such self-awareness impacts positively on wellbeing.

Keep learning

They say we learn something new every day, and science is telling us this sentiment is important for our wellbeing.

Whether it’s signing up for a new hobby, rediscovering something you used to love or taking a development opportunity at work, learning new things boosts your confidence and this is great for your wellbeing.

Help others

Considering and acting positively towards others links you to your community and rewards you with a stronger sense of wellbeing.

You can do this formally, though a volunteering opportunity, or informally through daily interactions with others.

Our free, 15 minute online Wellbeing check-in module includes learning components and personalised recommendations for action based on the Five Ways to Wellbeing.