Leaders often face difficult situations like these, and it can be tricky to support your team when you’re stressed. In crises, leaders need to be aware of their own emotions, health and wellbeing to be an effective leader. Helena Andrews, Positive Psychology expert at SuperFriend, gave us insight into dealing with these challenges at work. She explained the three phases of looking after yourself in stressful times.

The recovery phase is important for leaders because it breaks up the stressful periods. When you’re deciding how to manage your recovery time, remember to put in place boundaries between work and home. Here are some tips for creating those boundaries and recovering:

  • set a time for switching off technology in the evening
  • keep technology out of the bedroom and off the dinner table
  • seek support from other leaders or your own manager.

Check if your workplace can give you access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Often your EAP will offer support for dealing with difficult issues in the workplace.