SuperFriend’s vision is for an Australia where all workplaces are mentally healthy.

SuperFriend is a not-for-profit organisation backed by our Partners in the Superannuation and Life Insurance industries. We’re dedicated to transforming mental health research into practical, powerful solutions that benefit workplaces and their employees. Employers and their leaders have a legal duty of care in providing psychologically safe workplaces, and we can support them in this.
We target high-risk industries across Australia and delve deeply into workplace mental health trends. Our approach goes beyond understanding the reasons — we focus on research translation to create bespoke actionable insights and interventions in workplaces of all sizes and industries. This strengthens psychological safety and protects against psychosocial hazards. We demonstrate the impact of these interventions over time, allowing workplaces to see the differences both in numbers and behaviours.
Through this work, we empower workplaces to improve the status quo and as a result, boost retention, wellbeing, and productivity.
We want every Australian to reach retirement not just comfortably but having thrived throughout their working life!

The SuperFriend Story

SuperFriend’s story began in 2007 when superannuation funds and insurers realised the extent of the impact that mental illness and suicide was having on their members. With their collective mental health-related claims insights, and direct access to people on claim who were often experiencing the biggest challenges of their lives, they saw a unique opportunity to provide mental health support when it was needed most.

Why choose SuperFriend?

Our solutions are designed to build thriving workplaces

  • We help to identify your organisation’s existing strengths & build on those for greater impact.
  • We do the research on a national, industry & workplace level which lead to evidence-based insights & initiatives.
  • We support your workplace's mental health & wellbeing journey end-to-end across the entire business, creating shared responsibility for success.
Super Friend

Our board & leadership

Meet our board, leadership team and expert advisory committee

Governance & reports

See our strategy, constitution, Annual Reports and financial documents

“AustralianSuper’s partnership with SuperFriend has been incredibly valuable to us for the best part of a decade. SuperFriend is the only specialist organisation that provides these services to super funds that are then able to go out to hundreds of thousands of workplaces and assist employers and their employees to address the problems of mental health that affect so many Australians.”

— Ian Silk, CEO, AustralianSuper

“SuperFriend has improved the mental wellbeing of Sunsuper people by ensuring they feel supported and work in a positive environment. SuperFriend brings a lot to that equation in terms of helping us develop a wellbeing blueprint which has been critically important to developing our leaders to create a positive, supportive environment.”

— Scott Hartley, Former CEO, Sunsuper

“SuperFriend continues to play a really important role galvanising the industry to take action. We’ve already seen a lot of action that SuperFriend has triggered in the industry. They have been able to bring parts of the industry together and play that linking role.”

— Damien Mu, CEO and Director, AIA Australia

“SuperFriend is a very unique organisation and is very well placed to be a disrupter in terms of how we think and understand the areas concerning mental health. SuperFriend is a good policy body, it’s a good lobby body, it’s a good educator. It ensures that the mental health agenda remains on our agenda. I think that it’s important that it helps demystify and remove the stigma around all aspects of mental health.”

— Colin Tate, CEO, Conexus Financial

“People at SuperFriend are mental health champions and mental health experts who not only have the passion but they’ve got the qualifications and information to really help. We’ve seen some great benefits in our people’s confidence in dealing with people with mental health challenges because they’ve been trained. So it’s a great asset to our business. ”

— Suzanne Smith, Industry Executive

“We’ve worked with SuperFriend closely to train our staff to be more aware around mental illness. The advantage we’ve got with SuperFriend is that they know our industry really, really well, but they also know us really well. So there’s no relationship barriers to get over, there’s a trusted relationship that makes the work we do together so much easier.”

— Brett Clark, CEO, TAL

“Having a workplace partner like SuperFriend is critical. We can’t do this on our own. We work in financial services, it’s highly technical and often we’re not equipped with the right expertise and the knowledge to know how to deal with issues of mental health, but they affect our staff and the customers we’re dealing with every day. So having an organisation with the expertise that understands our sector as well is incredibly valuable.”

— Sally Loane, CEO, Financial Services Council

“I think having SuperFriend as a partner ensures that no one is forgetting about mental health and the importance of it. All funds are seeing increases in the number of mental health claims in their insurance area. It’s incredibly important for us not to lose sight of the fact that we have a role to play in improving people’s mental health.”

— Eva Scheerlinck, CEO, Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees
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