We aim to be as environmentally friendly as possible so all our resources are provided digitally.

Ensure your organisation is inclusive, fair and representative of the real world Reviewing these resources to inform yourself about the proven approaches is a great place to start – here are a few resources you may find useful! International recruitment organisation, Michael Page has developed a comprehensive Diversity and Inclusion...

October 2nd , 2020

The two key ingredients to successfully managing change Giving your employees control over what is happening around them will empower them through the change process and reduce negative impacts on their mental health. Many people like change, they just want a say in how that change will look. Here’s how one Victorian local government...

October 2nd , 2020

Your guide to managing a crisis Learn about the short-term, intermediate and long-term phases of a crisis, what to expect and practical ways to support your people and customers. You can also view as a PDF. Phase 1: Pre-disaster Phase 2: Impact Phase 3: Heroic Phase 4: Honeymoon Phase 5: ...

October 2nd , 2020

How to effectively engage with different personality types in the workplace We all bring our unique personalities, strengths, and life experiences into the workplace each day; creating opportunity for diversity, empathy, connection and innovation. How can we continually cultivate and learn from a diverse network of individuals to create...

October 1st , 2020

The art of checking in Approaching a friend, family member, colleague or employee you’re concerned about is important at any time of year. Noticing changes in someone’s behaviour or mood and asking, “Are you OK?” can make a significant difference to the life of someone who is having a tough time with their mental health, or personal,...

October 1st , 2020

Resources to help support your workplace and employees

Workplace and wellbeing guides

Easy-to-use workplace and wellbeing guides


Wellbeing check-in and action plan

ITW illustration

Research – SuperFriend’s Indicators of a
Thriving Workplace

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Not sure where to start? Our workplace mental health experts are here to help you.

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